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Friday, July 30, 2010

postheadericon The Horizon Report 2009 Edition - The personal Web

This section of the paper in the two to three year category caught my eye. I see the usage of this more and more as the internet grows. While the tools may not all be there yet and it may take two or three years to get there, a lot of applications on the web today support this concept already. My grandkids are a good example. They couldn’t install an operating system on a computer to save their life, but they can customize their My Space or Face Book page in ways that boggle my mind. The tools available to consolidate information and contacts are getting better with each passing year. They can do pretty much anything from these pages without going anyplace else. They can communicate with their friends in close to real time, shop for their items of choice, listen to music, look at photos or video, you can pretty much name it. I think this technology while still young is already in place and has millions of followers. My main concern is security. For a lot of these kids and even adults that use these sites pretty much all of their personal information is made available. The issue is that most individuals that use these sites are not computer literate enough to know when they are disclosing something to the world that they thought was just to their friends. I think the security and education aspect needs drastic improvement.