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Monday, December 13, 2010

postheadericon The Final Frontier

As an avid Science Fiction and computer gaming geek I figured the logical forecast for me to choose would be the Final Frontier: Preludes to Deep Space Travel.
The author William E. Halal speaks of Space Tourism, bases on the Moon and Mars, Star Travel and the possibilities of contact with alien life. Space Tourism is definitely the next wave in travel beyond our atmosphere. AS the government keep cutting back NASA's budget and limiting their ability to actually accomplish anything, the private sector will definitely move ahead. In just a matter of a few years a person will be able to at least hit Earth's orbit and in a few decades may even be able to visit the Moon. I believe a Moon base will be developed, but the odds are it will be a private endeavor. This is due to the abundance of resources available there for the taking. NASA most likely will set its sights on Mars. The only alien life I think that could exist in our solar system would be microbial. it would take the ability to travel to the stars to have any chance of finding any complex life. For this we are still centuries if not millennia away from having the technology to travel that far. We have come far in the last hundred years, I just hope I live long enough to see a human actually walk on Mars.